Sivaram has received several following awards and recognitions from government (AFRL), industrial (ISSI and TSI), and professional societies (AIAA, ASME, and APS) over the past 15 years:
- Member of the AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research) Star Team, 1995 -1999, 2005 - 2010
- Received a letter of commendation from Dr. Richard Rivir of AFRL, Nov. 1995
- Received a letter of commendation from Dr. Martin Abbott of TSI, Inc., Jan. 1996
- Photonics Spectra magazine highlighted a research effort, Jan. 1998
- Science magazine highlighted a research effort, Feb. 1998
- Physics of Fluids used a photograph from an award-winning poster on a brochure cover, 1999
- Aerospace America magazine highlighted efforts in the area of PIV, Dec. 1999
- Received National Research Council Post-Doctoral Associateship, 1994
- Received Best Presentation Award from AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Symposium, Apr. 1996
- Received Outstanding Achievement Award from ISSI, Dec. 2001
- Received Chairman's Award, AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Section, May 2002
- Received Outstanding Achievement Award from ISSI, Dec. 2002
- Received Outstanding Achievement Award from ISSI, Dec. 2003
- Received Incentive Compensation Award from ISSI, Dec. 2004
- Received Special Bonus Award from ISSI, Mar. 2005
- Received Special Service Citation Award, AIAA, May 2003
- Received Fellow recognition from ASME, 2004
- Received Sustained Service Award, AIAA, Jun. 2005
- Won the following gallery of fluid motion poster contests from APS and AIAA organizations:
- Comparison of Transitional Wall Jet and Free Jet, 20-22 Nov. 1992, Tallahassee, FL
- Dynamics of Jet in Cross Flow, 20-22 Nov. 1994, Atlanta, GA
- High Free Stream Turbulence Influence on Turbine Film Cooling Flows, 19-21 Nov. 1995, Irvine, CA
- 3D Visualization of Vortex-Ring and Bag-Shaped Instabilities Using Holography, 24-26 Nov. 1996, Syracuse, NY
- Double-Helix Instability in a Forced Wall Jet, 22-24 Nov. 1998, Philadelphia, PA
- Vortex Shedding in a Transonic Compressor, 30 Mar. 2000, Dayton, OH
- Vortex Shedding in a Transonic Compressor, Mar. 2001, Dayton, OH
- Numerical simulations of the evolution and breakdown of vortices in fluid jets, ward Winning Fluid Figures, Physics News Graphics, American Institute of Physics, 2002
- Shock Train, 3rd place winner, AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Symposium, Apr. 2003
- Received Fellow recognition from AIAA, 2006
- Received Dayton Outstanding Engineer & Scientist Award, 2006
- Received Chairman's Award, AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Section, 2006
- Received ASME Dayton Section's Outstanding Member Contribution Award, 2007
- Received AIAA Special Certificate Recognition for Organizing Joint Propulsion Conference, 2007
- Received AIAA Special Certificate Recognition for Serving Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee, 2007
- Received AIAA Special Certificate Recognition for Serving as Sub-Committee Chair for Membership, 2007
- Received AIAA Special Certificate Recognition for Serving in Air Breathing Propulsion Technical Committee, 2008
- Excellence in Engineering Award, Telugu Association of North America (TANA), 2009
- Lifetime Achievement Award (Dayton ASME Section), 2011

AIAA Fellows - 2006

Receiving Fellow Certificate from Roger Simpson (2006)

With Paul Nielson and Amanda Wright

With Family

With Lex Smits and Paul Nielson

With Dave Hobson (U.S. House of Representative) and Paul Nielson (former Commander of AFRL)

With Michael Wynne (former Secretary of U.S. Air Force) and Dave Hobson (U.S. House of Representative)

With Alan Mullaly and Roger Simpson

Wright State University Engineering Advisory Board

Dayton Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award (2006)

With Pat Quinn (Governor of Illinois) -- Excellence in Engineering Award, Telugu Association of North America (2009)

ASME Lifetime Achievement Award Dayton Section (2011)